Host your own Power Hungry film night

Thanks to everyone who made it down to Rich Mix for our latest film night, ‘Power Hungry: Cutting the corporate control of energy’. And a massive thank you to all of our speakers and everyone who gave a shout-out about their own energy campaigns.

We’ll be putting a write-up on the website soon, but in the meantime, here are links to all the films and campaigning resources to put on your own Power Hungry film night anywhere in the country (or world!)


Opening trailers:

First half:

Our corporate controlled energy system and industry attempts to keep it that way

Second half:

Resisting the system and building a new one


Information on speakers and shout-outs:


  • Fossil fuel industry talks the modern talk, but dig a little deeper and they’re still stuck in the Stone Age | 6 Billion Ways

    [...] like Brazil, Nepal or Indonesia. In Indonesia, Ashden Award winner IBEKA (who featured in our film night) is helping communities set up and run their own micro-hydro plants, transforming the lives of [...]

  • Anonymous

    Hi, sounds like it was a great event. Wish I were there. I’ve tried to access the links to Greenpeace movies but they go blank. Would be good to get the actual http address for them. Also, I’m rather disappointed to see the closest allies of Friends of the Earth – Greenpeace – to have their org name spelled as Green Peace.
    And don’t Friends of the Earth have a new branded logo with See the Difference?

  • Pascoe Sabido

    Hi, I think if you right click on it and choose to open in a new window or tab, it should work. Not sure what’s up with the website.

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