Open Space discussion on Sunday 6 March

Building the movement for global justice

So, you’ve spent the day with hundreds of others committed to making another world possible. What are you going to do next? This afternoon event will be a space to reflect on the conversations you’ve had at 6 Billion Ways, and consider ways to build a stronger movement for global justice. There’ll be space for organising together with other participants, as well as for discussing ways that the groups, organisations and networks you’re part of can strengthen and co-ordinate their efforts.

We will use ‘open space’ facilitation – meaning the agenda will be made up of what people who attend want to talk about, but in a structured way. So come along, get involved, and help shape the movement.

12pm-5pm, Sunday 6 March
Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial Street, London E1 6LS

  • Errol Baptiste

    I will be interested of attending which will be after my BECTU Annual General Meeting on the day and have already registered for the March 5 Conference of 6 Billion Ways.

  • Don Prentice

    I will be going.

  • 6 Billion Ways – Keeping up the momentum | 6 Billion Ways

    [...] The day after the main 6 Billion Ways event, we held an open space session at Toynbee Hall on building the movement for global justice. [...]

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